تاادلاف هڪ دوا آهي جيڪو هڪ وڌندڙ پروسينٽ جي خاص علامتن جو علاج ڪندو هو. اهو قلمي جي وهڪري کي بهتر بنائڻ سان ڪم ڪري ٿو، هڪ انسان کي حاصل ڪرڻ ۽ برقرار رکڻ لاء انسان کي فعال ڪرڻ ۽ برقرار رکڻ. تاادلفيل منشيات جي طبقي جي طبقي جي طبقي جي طبقي جي طبقي جي قسم 5 (پيڊ 5) براشار آهي، ...
GH/IGF-1 decreases physiologically with age, and these changes are accompanied by fatigue, muscle atrophy, increased adipose tissue, and cognitive deterioration in the elderly… In 1990, Rudman published a paper in the New England Journal of Medicine that shocked the medical ڪميونٽي -...
کاسمیٹڪ پتيز ۾ وڌيڪ اختيارن کي وڌيڪ آپشن فراهم ڪرڻ لاء، جينليٽڪس لسٽ ۾ نئين پراڊڪٽس کي مسلسل شامل ڪندو. High quality with varieties categories, there are totally four different series defined by functions in protecting skins, including Anti-aging & anti-wrinkle, ...
As early as 2021-08-24, Cara Therapeutics and its business partner Vifor Pharma announced that its first-in-class kappa opioid receptor agonist difelikefalin (KORSUVA™) was approved by the FDA for the treatment of chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients (هامڊ سان گڏ مثبت اعتدال پسند / سخت پرائيٽس ...